How much in the week you need have sex?!
When we are talking about sex, many people try to talk about other things, or pretend, that it is very personal, and they can talk about it only with their partner. Besides, many people forget that we live in twenty-first century, and now sex it is a one of the important things in daily life of everyone. Many scientists from over the world educated this theme and tried doing it more carefully. For example, if you will listen Sweden scientists, and if you will have sex even one time on the week — you will have a good dream. When you will have sex two times for a week — you will ill less often. Three times — it is a guarantee stability work of your heart. Four times for a week will improve your nails, hair and skin. If you have five times for a week, — your partner will be in good mood every day, and six times for a week — will make your brain work better. It’s one opinion, but how many scientists − how many opinions. American scientists have other thoughts about that. They do not see liaison in human happiness with intimate closely with their partner. We can name it very strange, because I am sure every partner after intimacy feel yourself happiest and satisfied, than those who have not sex… we understand this even without research, because sex — it’s a hormone of happiest, especially when it happened to someone who love you, it’s the highest satisfaction. Escort agency had done a survey in social networks: How many times for the week, you need have sex? Therefore, we made conclusions, that young people want to have sex about 5 times for the day or every day, and it is a good result. If you read a literature in Internet, you will know more about sex. However, for our mind, you must have sex only when you want it, or when your body need it. Someone can have sex one time for a week, for someone — one time for a month, other want to have sex few times for the day − it’s all individual. Escort agency wish for all, who have read this: have sex, get experiment, have a regular partner and be happiest.