Escort services in Kiev. Elite escort agency of Kiev in searching of beautiful girls
Escort services in Kiev. Elite escort agency of Kiev in searching of beautiful girls
We live in step with the time. This words like prostitutes of Kiev, whores of Kiev, individuals in Kiev, girls from escort was replaced on such words like topics, tours, sponsorships meetings! We will discus pros and cons about work in salon (or brothel). Level of pricing of Kiev prostitutes at 500 to 3000 thousand for one hour — it’s for classic sex and all services will in condom. Prostitutes very often have identical additional services.
Escort in Kiev
Pros of work in such places:
Agencies be always ensured clients for new prostitutes of Kiev, and they will do advertising instead for you. All similar places, which have opened long time ago, have their regular clients.
They will learn you, how to behave with men, how to act in particular situations.
Girls, which work prostitutes in brothels, always in the safety, because on their flats have another girls and dispatcher.
If you work on the departure, you go out not for your money; you have a car with personal driver.
All clients are checked on the available to the blacklist.
There is stability and no one will cheat you. There is always a feedback.
However, there are some cons about working in salons:
You need maintain order and graph. There are not a free visitor.
You cannot refuse at clients and observance of rules in brothel.
Deduction of money on the different needs.
In addition, many starts their carrier in escort individual. They search clients on the dating social networks or published their profiles on the websites of Kiev prostitutes. They invite clients at their home or work on the departure.
You decide how much money you get for the dating.
You have not any graphic how many times you need spent for work
Nobody control you, all what you earn, you are taking to yourself!
It’s not safe, you can invite clients from blacklist, or it’s can happen on the departure.
You will pay for a taxi yourself.
Little numerous of clients. You need make many efforts for your advertising and discus about all condition about meet.
Third variant — it is a tour with scout or manager. The most dangerous variant in work prostitute, and:
Good scheme of work.
You earn in currency.
You can combine rest with your work.
Accreditation by ticket and photo session.
If you don’t know local laws, you have risk large fine, criminal liability and deportation for all life.
Unknowing language. Absence not your relatives nearby.
Big cost for living there. You haven’t any safe here.
Different mentality with clients.
Want to notice, when I start to write those article, I have talked with girls from this sphere. Every of them were tried all variants of that work. In words of one of prostitute, now in China many raids and protests for that illegal sphere. Many go in the Dubai in pink glasses and have large mountains of expectations about big earnings. As result − many disappoint, because there is no point going there if you don’t propose anal sex. It is all because there are very demand such type of sex and ranks a first place. Many of them get acquainted with dishonest manager, because human trafficking very popular and activity development.
Elite escort agency work more than 13 years!
Big base clients and models. We have many requests and trust.